Friday, May 7, 2010

I need a class before bed! What do I do?!?!

Oh no!!! It's 10:00pm and you just ate 3 slices of pizza and two brownies! What do you do? If you are like me, you can't imagine going to bed knowing that the 1000+ calories you just ate are sitting there in your belly!! I have some easy little exercises you can do so you don't feel like a blob before bedtime.

Easiest solution first- walk around your house! Vacuum the living room or mop the kitchen! You'll actually get an extra benefit from doing this because not only will you burn some of those calories and keep your metabolism working, but you'll clean your house at the same time! Woohoo, win win!

Wanna go a little further? How about jogging up and down your stairs? I like to give myself a goal when doing this so it doesn't feel so monotonous. Tell yourself you are going to go up and down the stairs ten times. Then once you've done that, do it ten more times! Although getting all sweaty before bed is the last thing you want to do, let your forehead perspire a bit!

Now drop and give me twenty... YES, pushups! What a great way to burn some quick calories and help your body continue to burn even after you are done! I also like to throw in some squats and crunches, again, giving myself a goal to work with. Twenty of each exercise is a nice place to start. Then if you feel up to it, do twenty more.

My last tip is to drink some water! Sure, you may have to get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, but it's worth it. The water will help flush everything out and not make you feel so bloated the next morning.

Ok, now go to bed and get some sleep! Did you know that getting at least eight hours of sleep a night helps raise your metabolism?

Hope this helps on those naughty nights when you are "forced" to eat those deliciously fatty foods. :)

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